"Ho speso un sacco di soldi in donne,alcool e macchine veloci.Tutto il resto l'ho sperperato."

lunedì, giugno 05, 2006

"I've heard whispers about the financial support your government receives from the drug industry."
"Well, the irony of this, of course, is that this money, which is in the billions, is coming from your country. You see, you are the major purchaser of our national product, which is of course cocaina,cocaine."
" On one hand, you're saying the United States government is spending millions of dollars to eliminate the flow of drugs onto our streets. At the same time, we are doing business with the very same goverment that is flooding our streets with cocaine."
"Mmm-hmm, si, si. Let me show you a few other characters that are involved in this tragic comedy."

eres trabajando...burro burros

I'm on the border of Bolivia, working for pennies treated like a slave, the coke fields have to be ready the spirit of my people is starving, broken and sweaty dreaming about revolution (REVOLUTION!) looking at my machete but the workload is too heavy to rise up in arms and if I ran away, I know they'd probably murder my moms so I pray to "Jesus Cristo" when I go to the mission process the cocaine, paced and play my position

Peruvian leader:
Yo, it don't come as a challenge, I'm the son of some of the foulest elected by my people...the only one on the ballot born and bred to consult with feds, I laugh at fate and assassinate my predecessor to have his place in a third-world fashion state, lock the nation with 90% of the wealth in 10% of the population the Central Intelligence Agency takes weight faithfully the finest type of China white and cocaine you'll see

pappa paraparapappa..pappa paraparapappa...

Ricordate cari amici e AMICHE BUONISTI/E che appena avete 100 euro li sputtanate in coca...la coca fa male!!Capito??se uno di voi cocainomani ce l'ha con me lo sputtano e poi faccio come il leader peruviano!!Sicchè occhio

Prossimo post sulla Germania e poi vaffanculo!


Blogger Alan said...

W LE BRN!!!!

cazzo JA RULE è una bomba..only for the RULE baby!!

8:37 PM

Blogger Citro Fat said...

mono questo post è rivolto più a sully...

11:17 AM

Blogger Massa said...

Ja rule e un boss. pero stai calmo Mono, tutto questo crimine potrebbe darti alla testa

4:02 PM

Blogger Alan said...

mai partecipato ad una cena di contrada più divertente!!complimenti!!
cmq se la media è 0,6 litri a testa circa 200 so stati astemi visto che solo io samu il mere e capino s'è fulminato 150 litri

6:20 PM

Blogger Citro Fat said...


7:14 PM

Blogger Alan said...

grazie alle

7:24 PM

Blogger Massa said...

Che sono le sue misure????

11:47 AM


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